Industry Articles

EFT’s Licensee Twelve Signs Historic Sustainable Aviation Fuel Deal with IAG1 Twelve Watershed 14-year offtake agreement for 785,000 metric tons of SAF for British Airways, Iberia and Aer Lingus will lead the way to reduced emissions in aviation…Continued Historic net-zero international flight goal agreed at UN conference UN News State members of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) adopted a long-term goal of net-zero carbon emissions by 2050, following two weeks of intensive diplomacy at the UN agency’s 41st Assembly, on Friday.…Continued Accelerating Carbon-Neutral Aircraft Technology with the World’s First Clean Jet Fuel Plant AZoCleantech Atmosfair unveiled the world’s first commercial clean jet fuel plant on 4 October 2021, producing synthetic e-kerosene - a sustainable alternative to petroleum-based kerosene.…Continued Sustainable Aviation Fuel U.S. Department of Energy The 106-billion-gallon global (21-billion-gallon domestic) commercial jet fuel market is projected to grow to over 230 billion gallons by 2050 (U.S. EIA 2020a). Cost-competitive, environmentally sustainable aviation fuels (SAFs) are recognized as a critical part of decoupling carbon growth from market growth.…Continued Decarbonizing California NGV America For the first time ever, California fleets fueled with in-state bio-CNG were carbon-negative for 2020, based on an annual average carbon intensity score of -5.845 gCO2e/MJ…Continued Roundtable on Sustainable Biomaterials RSB The RSB – Driving the development of the bio economy for a better world through certification, sustainability solutions, innovation and partnerships.…Continued The net-zero compatibility test: a simple guide for GHG accounting of CO2 use Bellona Synthetic fuels and chemicals which use CO2 are a manufactured copy of liquid or gaseous fossil fuels and fossil products. The synthetic fuels and chemicals produced by using CO2 are also often referred to as e-fuels or synthetic hydrocarbons…Continued U.S. Airport Infrastructure and Sustainable Aviation Fuel NREL Worldwide, aviation accounts for 2% of all human-caused carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions and 12% of all transportation CO2 emissions (ATAG 2019). In 2018, the United States accounted for 25% of the world jet fuel consumption and 21% of global enplanements…Continued 2030 Ambition Statement WEF Through the concerted effort of ambitious industry and state leaders, together we can put the global aviation sector on the path to net-zero emissions by 2050 by accelerating the supply and use of SAF technologies to reach 10% of global jet aviation fuel supply by 2030.…Continued 100% SAF – Highlighting and Exploring Open Questions CAAFI Regulatory authorities certify A/Cs & engines to operate using specified fuels If a synthetic fuel (e.g., SAF) is a “drop-in” fuel, no equipment certification is required as the final fuel is Jet A/Jet A-1…Continued Global Potential of Biogas World Biogas Association By coming together as an industry, we can drive the change needed to make anaerobic digestion and biogas thrive. Our mission is clear: to raise global awareness of biogas technologies…Continued Sustainable Energy in America 2022 Factbook The Business Council for Sustainable Energy Modernized and expanded infrastructure is needed to accelerate the deployment of clean energy and energy efficiency solutions.…Continued Clean Skies for Tomorrow Sustainable Aviation Fuels as a Pathway to Net-Zero Aviation Insight Report November 2020 WEF/McKinsey & Company A transition to carbon-neutral flying is possible and sustainable aviation fuels are the most promising decarbonization pathway in the near term.…Continued

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